
Notice: We've changed our Tune In Links

  As part of our efforts to speed up the website, we had to change the links you tune in with.  
Please use this link for all listening options.

Station News

9/11 imageHR80s.com wants to take a minute to remember the tragic events that occured 10 years ago today...We were on the air broadcasting then, and each one of us remembers where we were on that morning...We are taking time to remember those whose lives were taken and those who did everything within their power to save the others...We will never forget...We will always remember...

The server has been moved...We apologize for the issues lately and especially for the interruptions and restarts today. We feel teh server has been moved and seems to have the kinks worked out...Hopefully you feel the same. There's a thread open to post issues: http://hardrockin80s.com/forum/1-station-forums/43959-update-on-hr80s-audio-issues?limit=20&start=20#44022 Thanks for putting up with teh last couple weeks. Things should be much better now. Enjoy!
All...We're clost to having the server redy to go...If you experience some downtime, it should only be temporary...We're currently tracking to make the change at 12;15 or so station time. This will result in a disruption of the station for about 15 minutes. Hopefully after the change, the station should be back to normal... Thanks! Chris

OK...So...we finally fixed some of the nasty bugs fixing the site. Most features should be working...NOw we'll start working on improving things. We have a site "To Do" thread started in our station forums.


New Site Features:

  • Social Networking. Post status updates, write on others walls, view the newsfeed showing all activity of your friends.
  • Live Search Real time search of all site content.
  • New Music system. We already touched on this one, but this will enable HR80s.com to be a music resource instead of 'just the best damn 80s rock and metal station on the web ':)
  • Features planned soon:

Welcome to the New and Improved HR80s.com!  We're still testing and converting things, so pardon our dust if things don't work correctly or seem out of sorts.  


So...The main point is to provide a more secure and stable platform for future growth.. Accomplished.  I also wanted this site to be more than a radio station. More than a way to request and dedicate music. I wanted it to be a resource.  Hear something you've never heard, but want to know more? Click on the artist name and find a bio about the artist. See any related artists. A totally cool way to discover new music!


Some new features in place, or coming soon:

Music Videos

Wind of Change

Fly By Night

Angel of Death

HR80s Artist Bios


Genre: Hard Rock Genre Hard Rock
Years active 1975 -1981, 1987, 1998-Present
City Washington D.C.
Country USA
Web www.myspace.com/AngelOfficialSite

In the early 70's, Punky Meadows, Mickie Jones, and Ralph Mormon (Joe Perry Project) were in a band called Bux who released 1 album in 1975 ("We Come to Play")....

Now Playing:
Aldo Nova
Time Left: 01:26

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