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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


In my dreams see I'm on tv Get back exactly who I wanna be If she could really see herself in my eyes This wouldn't be such a big suprise I'm sick and tired of it getting in my way I'm sick and tired of everything I seem I know Nobody rides for free Nobody rides for free Don't stop to think cause I know where I stand I'm on my way no your not gonna change my plan If you can break away and see what I say You'll understand what I'm trying to be I'm sick and tired of talking to my little dates I'm sick and tired of everyone in my way Nobody rides for free Nobody rides for free Nobody rides Noooobooody...nobody rides for free Noooobooody...nobody rides for free Noooobooody...nobody rides for free Noooobooody You've gotta pay to play So don't you stand in my way Cause nobody, nobody rides for free Now the worlds at stake The card was drawn You thought he could swim but I guess you were wrong You sink to the depths of your misery Baby the past will set you free Nobody rides for free Nobody rides for free Nobody rides Noooobooody...nobody rides for free Noooobooody...nobody rides for free Noooobooody...nobody rides for free Noooobooody You've gotta pay to play So don't you stand in my way Cause nobody, nobody rides for free Nobody rides for free Nobody rides for free...


Hits 1079
« Lovin' You's A Dirty Job (2007 Remastered) Tell The World: The Very Best Of Ratt Songs Heads I Win, Tails You Lose (2007 Remastered) »
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