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By the symbols of the creator I swear henceforth to be A faithful servant of his most Puissant archangel The Prince Lucifer Whom the creator designated as his regent And Lord of this World I deny Jesus Christ...the deciever And I abjure the Christian faith Holding in contempt all of it's works [SOLO: M.DENNER, H.SHERMANN] As a being now possessed of a human body In this world I swear to give my full Allegiance to it's lawfull master, To worship him our Lord Satan and no other In the name of Satan, the ruler of Earth Open wide the gates of Hell And come forth from the abyss By these names: Satan, Leviathan, Belial, Lucifer I will kiss the goat [SOLO: H.SHERMANN, M.DENNER] I swear to give my mind My body and soul unreservedly To the furtherance of our Lord Satan designs Do what thou wilt shall be the Whole of the law As it was at the beginning Is now and ever shall be World without end Amen


King Diamond


Hits 1202
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