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In a dream a long time ago We fell in love, but what did we know Years seemed to pass as time took its toll You're here at last, so why must you go But tonight you belong to me, yeah Yes, tonight you belong to me I know you're leavin', goin' away And I'm goin' out of my head Well, go on and leave me, what can I say You don't hear a word that I say But tonight you belong to me Yeah, tonight you belong to me You belong, you belong Well, don't say "I love you", baby, love isn't sorrow and pain I hope and pray this never happens again Well, go on and leave me, all I can say Baby, I know you will be sorry some day But, tonight you belong to me Oh, tonight you belong to me, hey You belong Oh, tonight you belong to me, yeah Yeah, tonight you belong to me Yeah, tonight you belong to me Well, tonight you belong to me


Comments (4)

Thursday, 12 January 2012 09:26
The real spirit of KISS : thank you Paul!
Wednesday, 01 August 2012 09:30
Paul is the best!
Friday, 10 August 2012 03:13
He's really the best HR composer and singer with Ronnie!
Monday, 10 December 2012 13:02
Awesome song
Hits 1062
Paul Stanley Songs Move On »
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The Circle
Breaking Point
Time Left: 01:18

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