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Run for cover (Run for cover) Don't shoot! - Shoot! She's so dangerous (Shotgun!) (Gun!) (Don't shoot shotgun!) Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right Fallin' head over heals at the speed of light Hey little miss heaven on earth Whoa, won't you walk this way but I see a red alert Oh, my senses say keep away So don't shoot! Don't shoot shotgun Dream on nightmare Touch 'n' go Dove turned destroyer, she cut you up, she's a slave of love Run for cover, she's so dangerous Undercover, she's so shameless Don't shoot shotgun You got me bitin' my lip Don't shoot shotgun! Ya shootin' straight from the hip So don't shoot shotgun Shoot me, baby! Ow! Hit 'n' miss, flesh and blood She's sweet and indiscreet, she can't get enough A little midnight madness Oh baby, you can't hide So wild 'n' unpredictable Step aside 'Cos you're, you're shooting wide Run for cover, she's so dangerous Undercover, she's so shameless Oh Shake it, shake it! Ah, take this, little hit 'n' miss Don't shoot it! Don't shoot shotgun! Shake it, shake it! Aw, take this little hit 'n' miss Ow! (Don't shoot shotgun!) Oh shoot it! Don't shoot it! Uh, Oh shotgun! Shoot me, baby! Ow! Let it blow!


Hits 1396
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