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Feelin' like it's all over, feelin' like there's no love Feelin' like it's not easy, breathin' life in the dust On a countdown to zero take a ride on the nightmare machine There ain't gonna be heroes There ain't gonna be anything Oh Here it comes, here comes the night Here it comes, hell in the night Here it comes, here comes the night When we all fall down When we walk into silence When we shadow the sun When we surrender to violence Oh Then the damage is done Put away that gun! I don't wanna be there I don't wanna be anywhere Oh! That's right! We're fightin' for the gods of war but what the hell we fightin' for? We're fightin' with the gods of war but I'm a rebel And I ain't gonna fight no more no way! On a countdown to zero Take a ride on the nightmare machine There ain't gonna be heroes (Whoa) There ain't gonna be anything No! Don't ya know that's right! And (a) I ain't gonna fight no more (Stop) Stop fightin' for the gods of war (Stop fightin' for the gods of war) Yeah what the hell we fightin' for? (What in the hell we fightin' for?) We're fightin' with the gods of war Heavy!


Hits 1563
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