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got ya share of nuthin' stukk with nuthin' your mind idle, can't get the sleep the ground is shakin' and you wanna land fast yer out of function lyin' flat on the street alwayz gotta be the first in 'da line a play with death to be no:1 cruzin' with the boyz in the trashed part of town raise my lust of madness when I'm feelin' down drinks are flowin' my heart is blowin' another nite in another town ooh I love the taste of cyanide ooh how I love to feel it burn inside I'm on the hour and 've been there for a long time but somehoe I feel like I'm fading out of line hang around in the pit of my lair I levitate, gotta get outta here I'm born a rebel with 'da neck in the noose they never tame me, can't change what I do


Hits 1398
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