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I can't stand be in the spotlight don't like it I never have the mirror reflecting the street light in the gutter that's where I am trippin' up and down with chemical enlightment heading high gettin' off some load to be founf in a primal state of brightment, wander 'round crashin'off the blow oh oh gotta high speed tikket oh oh on this carousel oh oh this is so damn wikked oh oh live in heaven n' hell is this the chart of my illusion or is this just the way to be is this the heart of my confusion or is this just the tikket to me the vigour of another, won't give me the energy to feel the lust I don't feel, a straight line of evil synergy good morning to ya snakebite and to all ya powder kegs of snow I'm a transparent fish in a barrel, I feel the shakes, but it doesen't show I rather don't know anymore I might be getting' low is this the chart of my illusion or is this just the way to be is this the hart of my confusion or is this just the tikket to me is this the way I am spposed to feel the things that you sellin' me is this delight part of confusion or is this just the tikket to me


Hits 1145
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Time Left: 02:37

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