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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


The trick of turnin' bricks to gold, The lick you churn to not grow old, Let it all out, scream it n' shout, I let you in on everythin', Yer heart desire burning on the dark side, of yer wild side, Ya got an alley cat style, Yer a crazy child, You got all the takes, Gimme yer smile, All is rite, coz we're breakin' the chains, breakin' the chains, All is rite, coz we're breakin' the chains, breakin' the, Livin' on the edge of nyte, Sukkin' love from every bite, All that we need, we're in for the feed, We get from every kiss of death, Yer heart expire burnin' on the dark side, Now yer a wild child, Ya got an alley cat style, Yer a crazy child, You got all the takes, Gimme yer smile, All is rite, coz we're breakin' the chains, breakin' the chains, All is rite, coz we're breakin' the chains, breakin' the chains, Breakin' the chainz! All is rite, coz we're breakin' the chains, breakin' the chains, All is rite, coz we're breakin' the chains, breakin' the chains, All is rite, coz we're breakin' the chains, breakin' the chains, All is rite, coz we're breakin' the chains, breakin' the chains, All is rite, breakin' the chains, breakin' the chains, breakin' the chainz


Hits 1498
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