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Sucha fine cool lady in ya candy sheet Mmm lookin' pretty n' ya bitter sweet C'mon gotta give it to me I need every inch you provide my fix You table dance teaser show me ya trix Roll, you make the good times call Legs tall, you got it all So sweet, nice to eat You're a sex bomb love machine 69 shots o' gasoline You're a piece of good 'ol fashion Second to none you're the main attraction Sirens screaming lights are flashin' A burst of ragin' passion Yer the cutest sweet i've ever seen Yer my lady queen obscene Yer the midnight foxy with a risky biz Make a boy want with ya sugar bliss You know what i want so let's go Catchy little clementine pour me ya wine 69 sleazy shots one more time You are my lucky shooting star


Hits 1314
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