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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Alright Can u deliver I'm overlooking you Laying out the question Think that you'll pull through Do you know what love means A push and then a shove Don't put the thought around me I'm coming from above yea Me I'm just a young soul lookin For a good time tonight You want it to last forever I don't have that in sight no Seems to be the same old story You get 'em once and they fall at your knees I wish that I would've known better Before I played the dirty deed Not romance to me It's just the fever Here's your chance to please Can u deliver Can u deliver, can u deliver, can u deliver It's a shame to take your dreams And chain them to reality I don't listen anymore Action is what I need Not romance to me It's just the fever Here's your chance to please Can u deliver Can u deliver, can u deliver, can u deliver Can u deliver, can u deliver, can u deliver Can u deliver


Comments (1)

Friday, 02 March 2012 04:09
For me? The perfect 80's metal track. Put on the headphones and crank it up!!!
Hits 1381
« March of the Saint March of the Saint Songs Mad House »
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