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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


You're the youth bangers fight forever more Raise your golden hammer bring it down like thor Ooh the force is going to bring us victory No foe or rival will stop the energy It's a vital mistake To try to brawl with the brave The storm just breaks out in rage Oh then it's time to release the martyrs on your mind It's the march of the saint, march of the saint March of the saint, march of the saint Clench your fist a battle's on the way Shout the truth metal's here to claim the day Hear the crowd's mighty roar It verifies assurance that we won another war It's a vital mistake To try to brawl with the brave The storm just breaks out in rage Oh then it's time to release the martyrs on your mind It's the march of the saint, march of the saint March of the saint, march of the saint March of the saint, march of the saint March of the saint, march of the saint It's a vital mistake To try to brawl with the brave The storm just breaks out in rage Oh then it's time to release the martyrs on your mind March of the saint, march of the saint March of the saint, march of the saint March of the saint, march of the saint March of the saint, march of the saint March of the saint


Hits 1138
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