
Notice: We've changed our Tune In Links

  As part of our efforts to speed up the website, we had to change the links you tune in with.  
Please use this link for all listening options.

HR80s News

OK...So...we finally fixed some of the nasty bugs fixing the site. Most features should be working...NOw we'll start working on improving things. We have a site "To Do" thread started in our station forums.


New Site Features:

  • Social Networking. Post status updates, write on others walls, view the newsfeed showing all activity of your friends.
  • Live Search Real time search of all site content.
  • New Music system. We already touched on this one, but this will enable HR80s.com to be a music resource instead of 'just the best damn 80s rock and metal station on the web ':)
  • Features planned soon:

Welcome to the New and Improved HR80s.com!  We're still testing and converting things, so pardon our dust if things don't work correctly or seem out of sorts.  


So...The main point is to provide a more secure and stable platform for future growth.. Accomplished.  I also wanted this site to be more than a radio station. More than a way to request and dedicate music. I wanted it to be a resource.  Hear something you've never heard, but want to know more? Click on the artist name and find a bio about the artist. See any related artists. A totally cool way to discover new music!


Some new features in place, or coming soon:

We're getting closer and closer on launching a new site and new features...You are viewing it now, and hoepfully we'll port over all the HR80s current site and launch the new one soon. 

Station NewsThanks to Doc for getting the ball rolling and setting up a group...Then we set up a fan page, too...so now you can follow HR80s on Facebook...We'll be posting new music additions, site updates, album release dates, polls, discussions, etc on Facebook, so join the group and become a fan today to stay up to date on all the HR80s happenings! 

altBeen working on the request pages so artists/albums with special characters ( , . & ) now (hopefully) work correctly...Let me know of any more bugs in the request pages... Also identified and zapped a bug on the mobile website that wouldn't let non backstage pass members request. That has been also fixed... 


Music Videos

Loud And Clear

What Keeps Me Loving You

Tears Are Falling

HR80s Artist Bios


Genre: Hard Rock Genre Hard Rock
Years active 1985 - 1992
City Philadelphia, PA
Country USA
Web http://www.myspace.com/tangierrocks


Tangier formed in Philadelphia by songwriter / guitarist Doug Gordon and grew up in the clubs with bands such as Cinderella, who would later help the group...

Now Playing:
Riding High
Larger Than Live
Time Left: 01:10

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Help Fund the next generation HR80s App by donating to the cause. Funds will go to developer costs, app store fees, and outsourcing where necessary to speed development. Any amount is appreciated!


HR80s Mobile Apps

Now available on Android and iOS devices: HR80s to go!

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