
Notice: We've changed our Tune In Links

  As part of our efforts to speed up the website, we had to change the links you tune in with.  
Please use this link for all listening options.

We've just crossed the 50,000 song mark for requestable songs.  That's right - the largest library on the net, just crossed a major milestone!  Thanks to all users who have helped support this station in so many ways, from sending CD's to being backstage pass subscribers. We would not have made it  to 50k songs without your help (especially after the massive station crash years ago)...


Thank you!

Music Videos

Hardcore Superstar
Wild Boys

The Rhythm Method

L.O.V.E. Machine

HR80s Artist Bios

White Sister

Genre: Hard Rock Genre Hard Rock
Years active 1982-1986, 2006-Present
City Los Angeles, CA
Country USA
Web http://www.whitesister.com/

White Sister were part of the Sunset Strip in the early 80's and got signed to major label. Their 1984 EMI debut album was produced by ANGEL keyboard player Gregg...

Now Playing:
Child's Play
Tell No Tales
Time Left: 03:22

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