
Notice: We've changed our Tune In Links

  As part of our efforts to speed up the website, we had to change the links you tune in with.  
Please use this link for all listening options.

HR80s now has over 35,000 Requestable Songs!  


Some of the new additions from 2011: 

- Sebastian Bach - Kicking and Screaming

- Shy - Shy

- Vains of Jenna - We Can Never Die Vol. 2

- L.A. Guns - Acoustic Gypsy Live

- Loudness - Eve To Dawn

- Helix - Skin In The Game [EP]

- Hardcore Superstar - The Party Ain't Over 'Til We Say So

- Axel Rudi Pell - The Ballads IV

- Helloween - Keeper Of The B-Side's 

- Saracen - Marilyn

- White Wizzard - Flying Tigers


Some other fine Power/Thrash albums added in to boot. Enjoy!

Music Videos

Long Live Rock 'N' Roll

Dream Theater
A Rite Of Passage

Safe Home

HR80s Artist Bios

Adam Bomb

Genre: Hard Rock Genre Hard Rock
Years active 1984 - Present
City Seattle, WA
Country USA
Web http://www.adambomb.com/

The legend of Adam Bomb started off in 1963 as Adam Brenner in Seatlle.  At the age of 16, he performed in a cover band called Tyrant with Queensryche's Geoff...

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