
Notice: We've changed our Tune In Links

  As part of our efforts to speed up the website, we had to change the links you tune in with.  
Please use this link for all listening options.

I'm not sure if you all have heard of SOPA or PIPA bills, but these bills could threaten our station, website and community. I encourage you to read more, and take action. Google's site has a petition form and is a good place to start!  I encourage each of you to read up on the law, and then siggn the petition.  We thank you in advance...




Music Videos

In Mortal Fear

The Unforgiven

Bangalore Choir
Loaded Gun

HR80s Artist Bios

Witchfinder General

Years active 1979-1984, 2006-Present
City Stourbridge, England
Country UK
Web http://www.witchfindergeneral.net/

Of the 3 major NWOBHM labels, Neat Records had Venom and Ebony Records had Grim Reaper, but Heavy Metal Records' most lasting legacy was without a doubt Witchfinder...

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