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New Music to Check Out (2)!

2 weeks 20 hours ago #55350 by Dead_Again
Dead_Again replied the topic: New Music to Check Out (2)!
Perfect Plan - "Heart Of A Lion"

It's a little poppy but not bad. Also, is that Cpt. Kirk on guitar?

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2 weeks 19 hours ago #55351 by Dead_Again
Dead_Again replied the topic: New Music to Check Out (2)!
Crystal Steel - Crystalized

Vocals: Roxy Hard
Guitar: Jannis Jackson
Bass: Markus Beck
Drums: Nikki Dean

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1 week 19 hours ago #55352 by Ironskulls
Ironskulls replied the topic: New Music to Check Out (2)!
New Epica!!! Once of my all time fave bands so super excited. I pre-ordered the cd/blue ray combo yesterday, new album drops early April :rockon:
The crew has some face paint going on in this vid, new for them but fits the dark mode indeed.


Enjoy the music video to our new single "Cross The Divide". Our new album 'Aspiral' is now available for pre-order


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