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Will I be alone this morning Will I need my friends Something just to ease away the pain And now I never see the loneliness Behind my face I am just a prisoner to my faith If I could only stand and stare in the mirror could I see One fallen hero with a face like me? And if I scream, could anybody hear me? If I smash the silence, you'll see what fame has done to me Kiss away the pain and leave me lonely I'll never know if love's a lie Ooh - being crazy in paradise is easy Do you see the prisoners in my eyes? Where's the love to shelter me Give me love, come set me free Where's the love, to shelter me Only love, love set me free Set me free [Solo] Kiss away the pain and leave me lonely I'll never know if love's a lie Ooh - being crazy in paradise is easy Do you see the prisoners in my eyes? Where's the love to shelter me Give me love, come set me free Where's the love, to shelter me Only love, love set me free Set me free


Comments (1)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012 10:10
Just started work , feeling blue and this song took me away, awesome choice
Hits 1137
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