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Mama says there's trouble, yeah trouble, on the streets today She says all the little ones got nowhere, got nowhere to play And she's right, yes indeed she's right But she don't believe That I will change it all someday People keep pushin' me, pushin' me everyway They think I'm gonna keep takin' it, takin' it every day But they're wrong, yes indeed I'm strong Built for speed I will change it all someday [CHORUS] There's a 3 minute warning Before the whistle blows There's a three minute warning, before I overload I'll give you three more minutes 'fore I lose my head Three more minutes and you'll wish you were dead There's a 3 minute warning Before I lose control There's a 3 minute warning before I overload Gonna talk to Alex, he's the only one that understands There is nothing like a stranger, a stranger in a strange land I'll get along, yes, I will I'll be strong, strong until The last day passes through my veins [CHORUS] I'll get along ... [CHORUS]


Balin/Doro Pesch


Hits 912
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