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Wait just a moment before our love will die Cause I must know the reason why we say goodbye Wait just a moment and tell me why 'cause I can show you loving that you won't deny Wait and show your loving like it was before Cause I won't let that feeling walk out through the door Yeah wait just a moment and try once more Cause babe I need to hold you like I did before So if you go away I know that I will follow Cause there's a place inside my heart that tells me Hold out, hold out, hold out Wait - wait I never had a chance to love you Wait - wait If only our love could show you Wait - wait I never wanna be without you Wait - wait No I never had a chance to love you Now I only wanna say I love you One more time [solo] Wait - wait I never had a chance to love you Wait - wait If only our love could show you Wait - wait I never wanna be without you Wait - wait No I never had a chance to love you Now I only wanna say I love you Wait...


Comments (1)

Black Lab
Friday, 17 January 2014 05:18
Vito may well be the most underrated guitar player of his era.
Hits 1296
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