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I got the call one summer night He said you're on tomorrow's flight My mother cried my sister too My father said I'm proud of you I can't believe it's true We're going after 'who' And still I wish that I just knew What are we fighting for When the price we pay is endless war What are we fighting for When all we need is peace Though I'm blind to what I see They tell me there's an enemy I know I gotta get outta here Insanity is drawing near Can't take it anymore I've knocked on heaven's door No I'm not dying for this war What are we fighting for When the price we pay is endless war What are we fighting for When all we need is peace What are we fighting for Can't we learn from what we've done before What are we fighting for When no one ever wins, in war A young man returns from war Where he didn't know What he was fighting for The streets remained the same But people'd changed The medals on his chest Didn't mean a thing A tear dropped from the corner of his eye Did he come come My grandpa died in Normandy My brother is still in Vietnam I know there's nothing good in war I know 'cause I've been there before So what am I gonna do I know this war ain't through And still I wish that I just knew What are we fighting for When the price we pay is endless war What are we fighting for When all we need is peace What are we fighting for Can't we learn form what we've done before What are we fighting for When no one ever wins, in war


Hits 1210
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Time Left: 03:38

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