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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Just for the record let's get the story straight. Me and Uncle Tom were fishing it was getting pretty late. Out on a cypress limb above the "Wishin' Well." Where they say it got no bottom, say it take you down to hell! Over in the bushes and off to the right. Come two men talkin' in the pale moon light. Sheriff John Brady and Deputy Hedge, Haulin' two limp bodies down to the water's edge. I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin, oh yeah. I know a secret that I just can't tell. They didn't see me and Tom in the trees. Neither one believing what the other could see. Tossed in the bodies, let 'em sink on down. To the bottom of the well where they'd never be found. I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin, oh yeah. I know a secret that I just can't tell. I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin. I know a secret that I just can't tell. I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin. Know who put the bodies in the "Wishing Well!" Soon as they were gone me and Tom got down. Prayin' real hard that we wouldn't make a sound. Running through the woods back to Uncle Tom's shack. Where the full moon shines through the roof tile cracks. Oh my God, Tom, who are we gonna tell? The Sheriff he belongs in a prison cell. Keep your mouth shut that's what we're gonna do. Unless you wanna wind up in the "Wishin' Well" too? I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin. I know a secret that I just can't tell. I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin, oh yeah! I know a secret that I just can't tell. I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's Cabin. Know who put the bodies. Know who put the bodies ... in the "Wishing Well!"


Comments (2)

Wednesday, 31 January 2018 04:49
Jani wanted this to be, not only the first single released, but also the name of the album. Record company won out and everything became "cherry pie", which is shame cuz that song blows and this song kicks ass!
Black Lab
Wednesday, 31 January 2018 04:51
This ^^^
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