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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

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Comments (1)

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 14:14
Why do you ask us if we were false or true
Can't you just shut your fucking mouth
Why do you look at us like we were shit
Are you just envious
We just want to live our life
We don't care what you say

We play more metal than the most people can take
Bad reviews and fat ass critics we don't care
We play metal for all metal heads
And not for rotten poser rats

True metal the sound of our hearts
We will never be apart
The sense of our lives
Deceivers our victory is your doom

Don't try to stop 'cause we are too strong
The wall on which you'll be crushed
The day we meet you will never forget
Your untrue poser rats
We are not born to serve
We are born to rule

We play metal loud and proud
Smashing enemies to the ground
Born to play the metal sound
By true metal we are bound
We don't care what you say
Hear what we play
« Magic Potion Head Of The Deceiver Songs
Now Playing:
Cold Blood
Time Left: 05:03

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