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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

Genre Hard Rock
Country Netherlands
Years active 1981 - 1987

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This Dutch hard rock act was a vehicle for the talents of Adrian Vandenberg (Born 31 January 1954, Holland), formed by the experienced guitarist after the collapse of his previous band, Teaser, and an unsuccessful spell rehearsing with Thin Lizzy. The group, which was completed by Bert Heerink (vocals), Dick Kemper (bass; ex-Turbo) and Jos Zoomer (drums), quickly signed to Atlantic Records on the strength of an impressive demo, enabling Vandenberg to give up the session work and super-realist art that had financially supported him. The self-produced Vandenberg had a heavy sound reminiscent of the Scorpions and Judas Priest, and contained sparkling performances from Vandenberg and Zoomer. The former's songwriting and guitar-playing, compared at the time to Michael Schenker, interested David Coverdale, who twice asked the guitarist to join Whitesnake. However, with the album and "Burning Heart" single enjoying considerable success in the USA, Vandenberg declined. Heading For A Storm benefited from the band's wider experience, with Heerink particularly improved, but failed to maintain the previous momentum of US success, despite a tour supporting Kiss. Alibi, however, saw the band regain much of the lost ground with a better production and more fiery fretwork from Vandenberg, but the departure of Heerink the following year for Picture unfortunately signalled a downward slide for the band, which dissolved in 1987 when Vandenberg finally accepted a further offer from the persistent Coverdale.

In 2004 there was a reunion of Vandenberg, and they released a double CD The Definitive Vandenberg, a compilation of the band's best songs and featuring a newly-recorded version of "Burning Heart". In January, 2005 the band released a DVD with footage of a 1984 Tokyo concert.

Albums (5)
Songs (39)
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0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 7 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 107 out of 10 Added on 19 December 2009
Released 1982
Format CD
Length 37:14
N discs 1
Label Wounded Bird Records
Price 0.00 $
Cat N 664140900523
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Heading For A Storm
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0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 Added on 19 December 2009
Released 1983
Format CD
Length 32:19
N discs 1
Label Wounded Bird Records
Genre Hard Rock
Price 0.00 $
Cat N 664140912120
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Songs 10 Comments 0
0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 Added on 19 December 2009
Released 1985
Format CD
Length 37:50
N discs 1
Label Wounded Bird Records
Genre Hard Rock
Price 0.00 $
Cat N 664140029521
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Best Of Vandenberg
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0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 Added on 19 December 2009
Released 1989
Format CD
Length 42:51
N discs 1
Genre Hard Rock
Price 0.00 $
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Best Of
Songs 1 Comments 0
0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 Added on 19 December 2009
Released 1990
Format CD
Length 4:11
N discs 1
Label Atlantic / Wea
Price 0.00 $
Cat N 075679092823
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