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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

Genre Hard Rock
City Windsor, Ontario
Country Canada
Years active 1975 - 1981

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Formed in Windsor, Ontario in 1975 by Brian Danter (Vocals & Bass), Marc Bradac (Guitar), Mike Kozak (Drums) and Chuck Price (Guitar). The band released two albums ("Teaze" & "On the Loose") which failed to chart in the U.S. or Canada, but Teaze got their big break when they booked a 10 day Japanese tour in the Fall of 1978. The band were treated like rock stars and they sold the tour out. That was the highlight of the band's career. Teaze released a live album called "Tour of Japan" show to expose the world to their success. The world ignored them and the following 2 studio albums. Teaze broke up in 1981. Geek Facts: 1. George Young (Brother of AC/DC's Angus & Malcolm) co-wrote the song "Rockin with the music" on their debut album. 2. April Wine's Myles Goodwyn produced their 3rd studio album "One Night Stands." RCC

Albums (3)
Songs (26)
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Broken Man
Bad Widow
Time Left: 04:27

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