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Rock is dead and gone, the same old song Another sickening sing-along The pop d’jour, a faceless whore And I can’t take it anymore More I see the more it makes me scream And they take it away…and they take it away…and they take it away No not from me, all that I wanna do is Burn, can’t keep me quiet I’m a riot rippin’ through your head (through your head) Burn, burn, burn Go on and try it I’m a riot revving in the red Like a revolution Like a revolution Can you feel the fangs sink so deep While you pray your soul to keep The last drop dries the blood-stained floor And I can’t take it any more More I see the more it makes me scream And they take it away…and they take it away…and they take it away No not from me, all that I wanna do is Burn, can’t keep me quiet I’m a riot rippin’ through your head (through your head) Burn, burn, burn Go on and try it I’m a riot revving in the red Like a revolution Like a revolution Like a revolution Like a revolution Burn, can’t keep me quiet I’m a riot rippin’ through your head (through your head) Burn, burn, burn Go on and try it I’m a riot revving in the red Like a revolution (Riot, yeah, baby) Like a revolution (Riot, yeah, baby) Like a revolution (Riot, yeah, baby) Like a revolution (Riot, yeah, baby)


Christopher Babbit


Hits 1025
« Time To Burn [Explicit] Time To Burn SE Songs Take Me Away »
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