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I'm a renegade razorblade, ready like a hand grenade Rippin' through your radio dial I got that gunsmoke smother and there isn't any other Motherfucker with a side so wild Don't need the drink or the needle or the ink All i need's a little fever scratch I'm just a shot in the dark tryin' to kick a spark Up in your heart before I burn and crash All the outlaws are outdated And the cowboys have all been gunned down And I don't know where the fire goes All I know is that you gotta fight 'em with your rock Takin' back the strip where the sun don't set And the angels never come out to play I'm a silver tongue with a poison tip And the licks to lay your city to waste Rising from the slaughter so you mothers hide your daughters 'Cuz we love a little runaway So bang your head, be shred or be dead 'Cuz we're not gonna take it today No, no, no way (Burn this mother down) Let's burn it down (Come on let's burn this fucker down) Oh burn it down (I said let's burn this mother down) Let's burn it (Come on say) Burn this motherfucker to the fuckin' ground say


Christopher Babbit


Hits 1058
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