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Where do you go When you turn away How do I know That you're hear to stay Why do I believe The promises you make Because they sound so sincere Even as they break And you never felt so far, as when you're right beside of me No farther then my fingertips, but further than can be I close my eyes to close you out, you're all I can see I never wanted more to be anyone else but me So close your eyes You gotta close your eyes Won't you set me free After all your lies When you close your eyes Do you, do you think of me Where can I run from my memories When I close my eyes, and you're staring back at me Screaming in my sleep and writhing on the floor Whispering "I can't love you anymore" So close your eyes You gotta close your eyes Won't you set me free After all your lies When you close your eyes Do you, do you think of me [Solo] Just in case you think I ever needed you I wanted more for us, to try and see it through Just one more glance and I'll be gone Just one more chance to be Just one more glance and I'll be gone God help me So close your eyes You gotta close your eyes Won't you set me free After all your lies When you close your lies Do you think of me So close your eyes You gotta close your eyes Won't you set me free


Michael "Elvis" Baskette


Hits 982
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