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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

Genre Hard Rock
City Philadelphia, PA
Country USA
Years active 1985 - 1992

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Tangier formed in Philadelphia by songwriter / guitarist Doug Gordon and grew up in the clubs with bands such as Cinderella, who would later help the group out by having Tangier open for them on their second major tour. The first, independent self-titled debut album, comprising Bill Mattson (vocals), Doug Gordon (guitar, songwriter), Rocco Mazzella (guitar, songwriter), Mike Kost (bass) and Mark Hopkins (drums). After minor local success, Doug decided to disband Tangier, take time off and start fresh. Doug wrote material and put together a new version of Tangier, utilizing only Mattson from the previous lineup. Garry Nutt was brought on board, as well as Gari Saint on guitar and Jimmy Drnec on drums. The new, unnamed band recorded demos and sought management and hooked up with Larry Mazer. The band showcased for many labels and was finally signed by Derek Schulman, who was to head up the newly reborn and revamped ATCO label. Veteran producer Andy Johns was selected for "Four Winds." Bobby Bender was secured for the drums prior to recording "Four Winds." The name Tangier was again used out of convenience and familiarity. It produced the hit singles "On The Line" and "Southbound Train".

For their 2nd major label album Stranded there were some line-up changes again. Separating with both Mattson and Saint, the band brought in vocalist–guitarist Mike LeCompt. LeCompt's gruff soulful vocals brought a heavier edge to the band. This album produced the hit single "Stranded", featuring Pamela Anderson in its music video.

Mike Lecompt and Garry Nutt are the only former members still active in the music business. LeCompt has his own band that performs regularly in the greater Philadelphia area. Bassist Nutt has been involved with Arcade, Laidlaw, Davy Jones, Mike Tramp, Cinderella, Jean Beauvoir, and is currently touring with Chubby Checker.

Albums (2)
Songs (20)
Four Winds
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0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 9 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 10 Added on 19 December 2009
Released 1989
Format CD
Length 42:25
N discs 1
Price 0.00 $
Cat N 664140912526
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0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 Added on 19 December 2009
Released 1991
Format CD
Length 41:07
N discs 1
Label ATCO
Price 0.00 $
Cat N 075679160324
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