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Cast to the fire Banned by the light Worship and listen to me Condemned in his mind In his evil place Your fate is all that you'll see I am the one To show you the path Salvation is in the fields Listen up children and follow me Or I'll let you pay the price Of malachi! Disciples of the watch Obey! Or I'll burn you to that cross! Holding the mass The demon is cast To resurrect your soul Calling to him Is like an evil sin A prophet is what they're told Taking the land under command Killing friend or fore Feel the might of his evil wrath Desecrate your soul! Disciples of the watch Obey! Or I'll burn you to that cross! Cast to the fire Banned by the light Worship and listen to me Condemned in his mind In his evil place Your fate is all that you'll see For I am the one To show you the path Salvation is in the fields Listen up children and follow me Or I'll let you pay the price Of malachi! Disciples of the watch Obey! Or I'll burn you to that cross!


Hits 1475
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