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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


We're gonna take you back Through the pages of the past Just another lonely boy I could laugh and play And live in any other way Then the devil took my soul The fortune and the fame I knew I was not the same And I know I'd never return Looking at the sky I know I would never die And forever shining through Wish the sky would say That blue would turn to grey And I know I'd be there Life was like a fantasy Taken by reality Does anyone remember me You once knew me Flashes of the day I knew I was here to stay But no one stays the same Turn the pages back in time Through the chapters in my mind Life's too short to leave behind It's to late know Life was like a fantasy Taken by reality Does anyone remember me You once knew me Flashes of the day I knew I was here to stay But no one Knows my name


Hits 1034
« Seven Days In May Souls Of Black Songs One Man's Fate »
Now Playing:
Bloody Mary
Time Left: 01:54

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