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Lost in the dark I feel like a shadow of myself I'm not what I was I keep looking for another second chance To get me… clean Elevate me Take me higher I don't wanna be wasted I've got nothing left to loose It's a little known fact I see everything black And I don't wanna face it Elevate me Take me higher The smoke and the dark Has just taken me in Over my head No-one to trust I'm feeling like I'm closely there I was to the… end Elevate me Take me higher I don't wanna be wasted I've got nothing left to loose It's a little known fact I see everything black And I don't wanna face it Elevate me Take me higher I'm tired of taking the test Don't test me My troubled mind is a mess You know I'm I'm only trying my best To be set free Elevate me Take me higher I don't wanna be wasted I've got nothing left to loose It's a little known fact I see everything black And I don't wanna face it Elevate me Take me higher


Comments (1)

Thursday, 15 May 2014 04:52
Damn, Billy absolutely SHREDS on this track!
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Permanent Waves
Time Left: 01:52

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