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Truth and honor faith and pride All convictions surely died Honesties time has passed Time for lies is here at last Truth is false I'm so fed up How did we come to be so ****ed? Hate, fear, pain, death; All our country has got left Talk to children hear them say "daddy left again today Brother steals and mommy lies" Future lost before their eyes The sun was lost behind the clouds They rapped it up and blacked it out Acid rain fell today It came and washed our hopes away This was once the land of dreams Now these dreams have turned to greed In the midst of all this wealth The poor are left to help themselves A capitalist's democracy No one said that freedom's free Lady liberty rots away No truth, no justice The American way Don't look past your t.v. All of us are what you see A looking glass into our lives What we watch is what we buy Priorities are out of whack Who is next to stab our back Doesn't it make you mad To have lost all that we've had? This was once the land of dreams Now these dreams have turned to greed In the midst of all this wealth The poor are left to help themselves A capitalist's democracy No one said that freedom's free Lady liberty rots away No truth, no justice The American way Doesn't it fill you with disgust That there's no one left to trust? Is this happening is this real My body numb I cannot feel Are you happy are you sad Are emotions a thing of the past? I have no tears I cannot cry No one mourns for a world that's died This was once the land of dreams Now these dreams have turned to greed In the midst of all this wealth The poor are left to help themselves A capitalist's democracy No one said that freedom's free Lady liberty rots away No truth, no justice The American way


Hits 1294
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