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These fits of depression are torturing me The lives that I seen won't breath again A sad child of madness, they'll never be free Born again to die, the agonies begin And soldiers keep coming - like warriors they die But gang land's alive when mothers cry Cause hate's blind addictions, a killing machine And it burns on the fuel of shattered lives - lost child, lost child The seeds of all evil are sown in their minds And harvest the sad fields of woe Cause dead boys are martyr That live on forever But now it's too late for their souls Standing on sanities too fragile edge And worship the "Lord of Flies" And wade through the slaughter You've made of the brother And drown in his blood then when he dies You see in their eyes They're the lost child See in their eyes You see in their eyes They're the lost child See in their eyes Don't turn out the lights Cause there's demons in the night And they prey on the fears in us all They hide inside and wait And they shun the light of day The screams in their dreams fill us all Children of a night Such a sad tune they rhyme The bloody boys that sing a wicked song And for all of them they're just memories in the wind Rise and see It's the down of insanity Keeper of the gates of fire And the Heretic has said You don't have to be afraid Till I - till I come to get ya And child in time On the swords edge you ride And cast a spell of Heresy And die in vain Like a wild dog in chains And no-one can save Or set you free


Hits 771
« Devil Comes Out in Me Take the World by Storm Songs
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Crash and Burn
Time Left: 01:17

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