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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


An unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time Unsuspecting victims no warnings no signs Judgment day the second coming arrives Before you see the light you must die Forgotten children conform a new faith Avidity and lust controlled by hate The never ending search for your shattered sanity Souls of damnation in their own reality Chaos rampant An age of distrust Confrontations Impulsive habitat Bastard sons begat your cunting daughters Promiscuous mothers with incestuous fathers Ingrate souls condemned for all eternity Obtained by immoral observance a domineering deity Chaos rampant An age of distrust Confrontations Impulsive sabbath On and on south of heaven On and on south of heaven On and on south of heaven On and on south of heaven (Lead - King) The root of all evil is the heart of a black soul A force that has lived all eternity The never ending search for a truth never told The loss of all hope and your dignity Chaos rampant An age of distrust Confrontations Impulsive habitat On and on south of heaven On and on south of heaven On and on south of heaven On and on south of heaven (Lead - Hanneman)


Comments (2)

Friday, 03 May 2013 11:51
RIP Jeff. We will miss You!! Your music will live forever!
Russ Yetter
Thursday, 03 March 2016 06:51
How is this NOT a 10 across the board..EPIC ALBUM!!
Hits 1256
South of Heaven Songs Silent Scream »
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