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A misty night, a perfect night Beneath the cold of the frozen star You feel the fright, you know I'm near You never should have come this far I am alive, you can't kill me I will survive eternity Go through the fire walk past the dead Lost in my eternal maze Your heart pounds through the mist filled air Your concentration breaks for me to strike You've cowered down, you've broken the chain Now I can freeze your burning eyes You see me lift the axe, (As) It plunges through your shield You now begin to panic As you see your chances grow slim Your running through the endless maze (You) Turn and I'll be there A force too strong for you to fight Your end I'll see tonight ("I'll see your end tonight") You think you can destroy me? You'd better think again I am eternal terror my quest will never end I'll trap you in the pentagram And seal your battered tomb Your life is just another game For Satan's night of doom


Comments (2)

Friday, 03 May 2013 17:52
Astonishing... What fan of Metal rates this 83 classic at less than ten HR80s stars?
Russ Yetter
Tuesday, 19 August 2014 13:46
not me!!!! \m/ \m/
Hits 1205
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