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[Lyrics - Haneman, King, Music - Hanneman] Trapped in purgatory A lifeless object, alive Awaiting reprisal Death will be their acquisition The sky is turning red Return to power draws near Fall into me, the sky's crimson tears Abolish the rules made of stone Pierced from below, souls of my treacherous past Betrayed by many, now ornaments dripping above Awaiting the hour of reprisal Your time slips away Raining blood From a lacerated sky Bleeding its horror Creating my structure Now I shall reign in blood!


Jeff Hanneman/Kerry King


Comments (2)

Russ Yetter
Wednesday, 16 July 2014 13:01
\m/ \m/
Monday, 20 April 2015 16:03
A true punk influence to start this epic track followed by an ethereal Sabbathesque bridge into one of the best metal riffs of all time....prepare for a full body assault of sound in this quintessential track from arguably the top of the hardcore 80s metal summit!!!
Hits 1707
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