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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

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Cry for the children Sons and daughters left behind They walk alone down the trail of tears Full of heartache, full of fears Stand with open arms Waiting for the fall But who'll be there to help ya When your back's against the wall You'll be sailing home before the storm Through the night into the dawn On the wind I hear your voice calling Sailing home before the storm Why, cried the people Give me shelter from the storm They take the road across the bridge of sighs No more heartache, the other side Ya stand with open arms Ya scream into the night But who'll be there beside ya Can you see the end in sight You'll be sailing home before the storm Through the night into the dawn On the wind I hear your voice calling Sailing home before the storm Sailing home before the storm Through the night into the dawn On the wind I hear your voice calling... Sailing home before the storm Through the night into the dawn On the wind I hear your voice calling Sailing home before the storm Sailing home before the storm Through the night into the dawn On the wind I hear your voice calling Sailing home before the storm


Hits 885
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Time Left: 02:22

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