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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


They came to fight for glory in their thousands Young men with their dreams They died before the guns for their country A book of faded pictures, broken dreams Where are they now Where are they now Where are they now Where are they now The broken heroes Uncle Sam is waiting with the draft card He says you've got to fight the Vietcong The stations full of flags and rule Britannia The engine pulls you out towards the Somme Where are they now Where are they now Where are they now Where are they now The broken heroes Find more similar lyrics on broken heroes The broken heroes The broken heroes Where are they now Where are they now Where are they now The broken heroes The pipes are calling young men back to Belfast The general says you march to Stalingrad You rode into the valley with the hundred Seven lonely graves on Goose Green Where are they now Where are they now Where are they now Where are they now The broken heroes The broken heroes The broken heroes The broken heroes Where are they now (Repeat to end)


Hits 1317
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