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She used to be an ironhorse Twenty years ago Used to bring the mail to me Through the ice and snow I've sat alone and watched her Steaming through the night Ninety tons of thunder Lighting up the sky She was a princess of the night I saw the writing on the wall She was a princess of the night I take a ride across the sky Speeding, sparks like lightning Engine working hard Furnace on the foot plate Shining in the night Iron striking metal The sound of racing steel It's all I ever wanna hear It's music to my ears She was a princess of the night I saw the writing on the wall She was a princess of the night I take a ride across the sky She was a princess of the night I saw the writing on the wall She was a princess of the night I take a ride across the sky Ninety tons of thunder Lighting up the sky Steaming red hot pistons See the wheels flash by Hear the whistle blowing Streaking down the track If I ever had my way I'd bring the princess back one day She was a princess of the night I saw the writing on the wall She was a princess of the night I take a ride across the sky (sky, sky, sky)


Comments (1)

Monday, 21 December 2015 02:53
One of my all time fave NWOBHM tunes. Recall my brother cranking this tune non-stop in the ol tape player in the car back in the day. Sends me back every time I hear it; awesome!
Hits 1236
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