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I have seen the highest mountain The holy city in the sky Coming down out of heaven Where his glory dwells inside Hear the angels singing out his name..."Hallelujah" Where the light has never ceased to shine Oh Zion In the fields of fire Through the mud and the mire We will fight and rise up again On the storms of the sand We're off to the holy land Oh Zion, here we come again You want to go to the mountain Well faith and truth are the keys You must believe in the Savior And the price he paid for you and me Hear the nations calling out his name..."Hallelujah" Eternal light will never cease to shine Oh Zion In the fields of fire Through the mud and the mire We will fight and rise up again On the storms of the sand We're off to the holy land Oh Zion, here we come again In the fields of fire Through the mud and the mire We will fight and rise up again On the storms of the sand We're off to the holy land Oh Zion, here we come again Come again!


Hits 714
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