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I don't wanna go Something tells me no, no, no, no But traces in the sand The lines that set my hand Say go, go, go Beware of a place A smile of a bright shining face I'll never return, how do you know? Tarot woman I don't know I don't know She can take you there The entrance to the fair Mine, mine, mine Ride the carousel And cast a magic spell You can fly, fly Beware of a place A smile of a brigh shining face I'll never return, how do you know? Tarot woman, well I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know Something in the air Tells me to beware, no, no, no Her love is like a knife She'll carve away your life So go, go, go Beware of a place A smile of a bright shining face I'll never return, how do you know? Tarot woman, I don't know I don't know I don't know Hey, I don't know


Comments (2)

Sunday, 25 September 2011 18:17
Freakin' classic Rainbow and like no other!! Crank this up
Wednesday, 10 October 2012 10:14
Blackmore's guitar, Dio's voice and Cozy's drum ,a killing combination, I still love to listen to the record and watch it spinning around the turntable
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