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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Breaking the weaves, a ride on the wild raging sea Playing with fortune oh, what a lust to be free Flashlights and thunder, the prattering rain in the hull From a stormy horizon we get our course The cry of freedom Face in the wind, we're riding the storm We'll stay our course whatever will come Wandering souls in the sea of the damned Death or glory, oh, oh we're riding the storm Cracks in the planks, the rigging moves upwards and Staggering masts, the pounding splash of the prow The wind in our sails, our flag flies high on the top From a stormy horizon we get our course The cry of freedom Face in the wind, we're riding the storm We'll stay our course whatever will come Wandering souls in the sea of the damned Death or glory, oh, oh we're riding the storm [Solo] Breaking the weaves, a ride on the wild raging sea Playing with fortune oh, what a lust to be free Flashlights and thunder, the prattering rain in the hull From a stormy horizon we get our course The cry of freedom Face in the wind, we're riding the storm We'll stay our course whatever will come Wandering souls in the sea of the damned Death or glory, oh, oh we're riding the storm


Comments (1)

Thursday, 22 January 2015 14:50
I guess when someone rates this a 3 they can't handle the production value of a 1989 song. At least the other 3 got it right!
Hits 841
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