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Hey, Mr. Custer, why do you dare the hand of fate? The claw of death waits to grave A golden medal, your honor idolized Your heart is stone, your blood is iced Ceaseless rifle fire Blowing your dreams away The barrels are running hot What a painful bloody day Last fight at little big horn The hand of death was waiting To take the soldier blue away Last fight at little big horn Where the last command was given And all the soldiers fought in vain The soldiers are riding, unprepared for the attack A touch of death, the shotguns crack The blood is flowing, the desert sand turns red Why did you lead them to this trap? Ceaseless rifle fire Blowing your dreams away The barrels are running hot What a painful bloody day Last fight at little big horn The hand of death was waiting To take the soldier blue away Last fight at little big horn Where the last command was given And all the soldiers fought in vain, oh little big horn Ceaseless rifle fire Blowing your dreams away The barrels are running hot What a painful bloody day Last fight at little big horn The hand of death was waiting To take the soldier blue away Last fight at little big horn Where the last command was given And all the soldiers fought in vain Last fight at little big horn The hand of death was waiting To take the soldier blue away Last fight at little big horn Where the last command was given And all the soldiers fought in vain, oh little big horn


Hits 953
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