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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


In the dead of night She'll come and take you away Searing beams of light and thunder Over blackened plains She will find her way Flying high through the night She will hide your fate As she takes your soul from under And the blinding light of the castle fades There is no escape It's the ending of your precious life Your soul slipped away It belongs to the Queen of the Reich The Queen of the Reich Yeah she's coming for you You're fading away Your life cast astray A victim the beast shall obtain The light will not shine For you'll die tonight at her shrine And black is the last thing you'll see Over and over Dreams of dying fill your head It's the sign of the cross That you'll find ahead No one will answer The light is fading away Captive souls are screaming out in pain There is no escape It's the ending of your precious life Your soul slipped away It belongs to the Queen of the Reich You're fading away, No, No, No The Queen of the Reich You're slipping away, yeah The Queen of the Reich


Comments (2)

Thursday, 13 October 2011 09:04
One of my top 5 songs, I hear this song and volume goes all the way up.
Saturday, 15 November 2014 12:52
Hits 2126
Queensrÿche (EP) Songs Nightrider »
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