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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Reverend, reverend Is this some conspiracy Crucified for no sinsAn image beneath me Lost within my plans for lifeIt all seems so unreal I'm a man couldn't half feel this worldLeft in my misery The reverend he turned to me Without a tear in his eyes It's nothing new for him to see I didn't ask him why I will remember The love our souls had Sworn to make Now I watch the falling rain All my mind can see Now is your (face) Well I guessYou took my youth I gave it all away Like the birth of aNew-found joy This love would end in rage And when she died I couldn't cry The pride within my soul You left me incomplete All alone as the Memories now unfold. Believe the word I will unlock my door And pass the Cemetery gates Sometimes when I'm alone I wonder aloud If you're watching over me Some place far abound I must reverse my life I can't live in the past Then set my soul free Belong to me at last Through all those Complex years I thought I was alone I didn't care to look around And make this world my own And when she died I should've cried and spared myself some pain You left me incomplete All alone as the memories still remain The way we were The chance to save my soul And my concern is now in vain Believe the word I will unlock my door And pass the cemetery gates The way we were The chance to save my soul And my concern is now in vain Believe the word I will unlock my door And pass the cemetery gates Gates Gates


Comments (1)

Tuesday, 27 December 2011 03:02
quite possibly the only pantera tune I like
Hits 1984
Cowboys From Hell Songs Cowboys From Hell »
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