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Mystic Force
Genre Progressive
City Baltimore, Maryland
Country USA
Years active 1987 - Current

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A Progressively inclined Heavy Metal band, hailing from Baltimore, MD,  debuting with an eponymous 1987 demo. MYSTIC FORCE would feature the ICED EARTH, TWILIGHT KINGDOM and DELUSION credited Keith Menser on bass guitar, CRYPTAMERIA singer Bobby Hicks and latterly former ORACLE man William Wren on vocals. The band has had a long history with a confusing discography of many re-issues and territorial licensing deals, each with their own quirks. MYSTIC FORCE released three demos between the 1987 and 1989. A self-tilted demo appeared in 1987 followed by the five-cut 'With Rank Comes Rule' demo in 1988. In early 1989 a two song demo called 'Blind Vision' was also released.

Signing to the British CMFT Records imprint MYSTIC FORCE debuted commercially with the 'Take Command' EP of 1989. However, bad luck befell the band as, just weeks after its release, CMFT closed shop. The debut EP was also released in the USA on the Killer label.

The EP 'Shipwrecked With The Wicked' surfaced through Siegen Records in 1989, this closing out with a live rehearsal recording of 'Who Really Gives A...'. In 1991 the Killer labeled reissued some older demo material in a release entitled 'Take Command-The Demo Years'. The bands fortune seemed to have changed for the better as they got signed to the German label Rising Sun and the full-length debut album 'Eternal Quest' was released in 1993.

A second album for Rising Foece, 1995's 'A Step Beyond', was scheduled to be promoted with a full scale European tour allied with METAL CHURCH and VICIOUS RUMOURS but the band fell apart beforehand. Rising Sun eventually folded and it seemed the band was back to square one with the excellent album not getting the global attention it deserved.

In 1999 the band executed their interpretation of MERCYFUL FATE's 'Curse Of The Pharaos', featured on 'The Unholy Sounds Of The Demon Bells - A Tribute To Mercyful Fate' collection issued via Poland's Still Dead Productions. William Wren was introduced as the new singer and a six song demo was cut upfront of recording the 2001 album 'Man Vs. Machine'. The album was a full-on metal affair with Wren's stratospherics vocal performance evoking some of the better vocalists of the genre. Travis Smith provided the cover artwork. In 2002 another full-length album, 'Absence Of The Obvious', was released to little fanfare.

In 2004 Wren reunited with his ORACLE band mates to forge ODYSSEY. MYSTIC FORCE singer would also be associated with a project entitled BURN. Menser would session for IAN PARRY and make a name for himself as organiser of the annual 'Powermad' festivals.

Albums (4)
Songs (46)
Take Command/Shipwrecked With The Wicked
Mystic Force
Songs 11 Comments 0
0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 10 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 10 Added on 19 February 2011
Released 1989
Format CD
Length 51:27
N discs 1
Genre Power Metal
Price 0.00 $
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The Eternal Quest
Mystic Force
Songs 12 Comments 0
0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 10 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 1010 out of 10 Added on 19 February 2011
Released 1991
Format CD
Length 43:43
N discs 1
Price 0.00 $
Cat N 002265827699
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A Step Beyond
Mystic Force
Songs 10 Comments 2
0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 9 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 109 out of 10 Added on 19 February 2011
Released 1995
Format CD
Length 46:54
N discs 1
Price 0.00 $
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Man Vs. Machine
Mystic Force
Songs 13 Comments 0
0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 / 0 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 100 out of 10 Added on 19 February 2011
Released 2000
Format CD
Length 1:02:45
N discs 1
Label Siegen
Price 0.00 $
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