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Now we are like how we were Innocence is more than words Now we are poison and we don't care We have no shame, we strip you bare And you're so precious, lost in smoke Too busy laughing to see the joke Nobody knows if you've won or you lost Into the palace or up on the cross Into the gravy or into the ground We just don't want you around, sucker What we want, they'll never get Rags to riches, they work it yet For we're monsters, we love our work You raise your voice, you bite the dirt And you're so patient, lost in dreams Too busy crying to hear the screams Nobody cares if you lost or you won In with the girlies or under the gun Enter the sunshine or under the blade We gonna dance on your grave, sucker What we do is break the law We tasted blood and we want more For we are murder, we like it burnt No quarter, we draw the line And you're so gracious, lost in time Too busy killing to see the crime Love it or hate it, you're gonna pay All of us here gonna ruin your day Into the palace or into the pit We think you're just a shit Nobody cares if you're in or you're out We're gonna give you a smack in the mouth Whether you go or whether you stay I guess it just ain't your day, sucker


Hits 851
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