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Off through the new day's mist I run Off from the new day's mist I have come I hunt Therefore I am Harvest the land Taking of the fallen lamb Off thruogh the new day's mist I run Off from the new day'smist I have come We shift Pulsing with the earth Company we keep Roaming the land while you sleep Shape shift nose to the wind Shape shift feeling I've been Move swift all senses clean Earth's gift back to the meaning of life Bright is the moon high in starlight Chill is the air cold as steel tonight We shift Call of the wild Fear in your eyes It's later than you realized Shape shift nose to the wind Shape shift feeling I've been Move swift all senses clean Earth's gift back to the meaning of life I feel I change Back to a better day Hair stands on the back of my neck In wildness is the preservation of the world So seek the wolf in thyself Shape shift nose to the wind Shape shift feeling I've been Move swift all senses clean Earth's gift Back to the meaning of wolf and man


Comments (1)

Tuesday, 09 October 2012 10:39
Being a big fan of Metallica but I should say, playing with Orchestra is not everybody's thing. The best I ever heard was Deep Purple in 1970 and Kiss in 2003 in Australia.
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