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Brother will kill brother Spilling blood across the land. Killing for religion It's something I don't understand. Fools like me, who cross the sea And come to foreign lands Ask the sheep for their beliefs Do you kill on God's command? A country that's divided Surely will not stand. My past erased, no more disgrace No foolish naive stand. The end is near, it's crystal clear Part of the master plan, Don't look now to Israel It might be your homeland. Holy wars! [Solo - Friedman] Upon my podium, as the know-it-all scholar, Down in my seat of judgement, gavels bang uphold the law. Up on my soapbox, a leader out to change the world, Down in my pulpit as the holier-than-thou could-be messenger of God. Wage the war on organized crime Sneak attacks, rapel down the rocks Behind the lines. Some people risk to employ me, Some people live to destroy me. Either way they die. They die. [Solo - Friedman] They killed my wife and my baby, With hopes to enslave me First mistake... last mistake Paid by the alliance, to slay all the giants Next mistake... no more mistakes! [Solo - Friedman] [Solo - Mustaine] Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite Because I don't say it, don't mean I ain't thinkin' it. Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away. I know what I said, now I must scream by the overdose and the lack of mercy killings. Mercy killings Mercy killings Killings!! Killings!! Killings!! Next thing you know they'll take my thoughts away!


Comments (2)

Wednesday, 02 January 2013 17:07
Dude this is 10 star HR80s freaking metal! Turn it on, crank it up and tune out!!!
Thursday, 20 July 2017 07:38
This has gotta be in the top 5 greatest thrash songs of all time. F'n amazing.
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